
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beware the vampires in your home

By John

You have vampires in your house.

They have two teeth and suck power from every room. Cell phone chargers, computers, TVs. Our houses are full of consumer electronics, and the conventional wisdom is that to save energy, you turn them off.

If only it were that simple.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Benefits of Cooking at Home

By Andrew

There are several benefits to preparing your own meals:
  1. Yes, that hair in your food is yours
  2. You have the choice regarding the origin of your food, and how it is produced
  3. You know exactly what you're about to eat
  4. You're learning a life skill
  5. You're taking the opportunity to make a statement about your political, ethical, and nutritional priorities

Monday, February 22, 2010

Organic Food - Part I

By Noah

While walking through the aisles of the supermarket a few days ago I noticed there were a number of items on the shelves that had the word ORGANIC plastered on the side.  I considered this bold claim, and decided it was a strange label to put on a food.  In high school, they taught me the word “organic” meant living, and that “non-organic” meant….non living.  To me the case was clear: lettuce vs. cue-tips… potato chips vs. my driveway.  So while staring at a can of “organically certified tomatoes” I wondered if this was simply stating the obvious.  Aren’t all tomatoes certifiably … from a tomato plant? 

Friday, February 19, 2010

St. Lawrence Antiques Market

By Braeden

Now I know it’s counter-intuitive to expect the hippest items second-hand venues have to offer from a place you’d expect to look like the inner bowels of your grandparents closet, but don’t be quick to dismiss the St. Lawrence Antiques Market. The Antiques Market is held every Sunday from 5am to 5pm in the North Market (directly across the street from the regular St. Lawrence Market). Just like any antique shop, there is a lot of over-priced junk you couldn’t pay someone to buy. However, if you’re willing to take a leisurely stroll over Sunday coffee with a friend you’re bound to stumble upon plenty of steals.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Craft Beers

By John

Canada makes a lot of world-class beer. You may not know about it though, because craft breweries favour taste, freshness, and quality over cheap beer and expensive commercials loaded with breasts and preppy losers.

A Sense of Nostalgia

By Andrew

A sense of nostalgia is a rare thing found with the products that we find flooding our homes today. It has become the norm to buy something knowing that it will break and simply replace it with an identical, or improved version. This is a simple choice within today’s marketplace because consumer goods are frequently made cheaply at a low price. An attractive alternative to paying sometimes double the amount for something that is well made for the same task.